
SEKASORTO was originally formed in mid 80`s by Kaide (ex-Raivotauti).He wanted to set up a band which name would describe the state of the world.So
the band was named Sekasorto.(It means about same that "Disorder", "Chaos" or"Anarchy" in english).
After a few member changes band line-up became Kaide - voc. Timo (ex-Lahdatut) - bass, Kartsa (ex-Lahdatut) - guitar and Veppis -drums. Band was known at aggressive hardcorepunk-music and very idealistic and anarchistic lyrics. In fact they had quite special combination of music and poetry in their gigs and in their first lp "Anarkistinen Maailma" (released 1988). Most of Sekasortos songs were composed by Kartsa. Sekasorto was also known by very impressive stage acting, in stage there were black anarchist flags, commando men, megaphones etc.
Kaide did also some duogigs with Kalle.
Band did several gigs in Finland at very different kind of places; at demonstrations, at squats, at restaurants, at schools etc.One of the most unforgottable gigs was in Finlandia-Talo (famous finnish culturehouse) where was "Innocent Childrens Day" charityconcert .In the audience there were for example the then president of Finland Mauno Koivisto with his wife Tellervo and city manager & other notable persons of society. So it was the change of lifetime to attack against rich and conceited people. And what is the best, they even had to clap their hands to Kaide after the show.
Band has also been in some TV-programs in finnish and swedish TV. Best known maybe "Kaide and Vox Populi"-document (1987).
Sekasorto's second album "Luonnon Puolesta" was not released until 1991. Now there weren`t anymore poems in album and the music was improved very much.In this album the drummer was Haba.
All Sekasorto's records were released by bands own record label Kai records because they didn`t want to anyone else (Rock-o-rama, Propaganda records etc.) release them.
In early 90`s there was a few years break in Sekasorto's activity.(All guys just disappeared somewhere as Kaide says). Timo and Kartsa
formed a new band Myrros and Kaide continued acting with various civil rights organizations etc.
…Until unavoidable happened and Sekasorto did a reunion gig 4.3.1998 in Helsinki with two original members Kaide and Timo.The gig was great and so the band started to work again, they did some gigs in Finland and some new material and demos.Sekasorto's line-up has changed a lot in the course of years but they have always gotten new members and started to play again..Once You have anarchist attitude You always have it..
If YOU have some old (or new) photos/articles of Sekasorto, and you would like to see them in this site,You can send them to